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Diverse Learning Environments

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During infancy, children develop motor skills, experience tummy time, explore and learn through interaction with their caregivers. Our team uses this opportunity to work on stretches, leg movements, and ensuring the children are practicing hand-eye coordination in order to prepare themselves for the next stages of early childhood development.



By this stage, a child’s leg muscles are ready—once they stand up and take those first steps, they’re off and running, eager to explore. Our team offers them the opportunity to do so in safety (with our team alert and ready to walk around the room with the children) and also allows them to develop cognitive skills as they build language, graduate to one to two-word sentences, learn to hold a crayon and eat finger foods.


After School

We encourage our children to complete their homework, as well as opportunities to learn skills, explore their interests, and discover new things.

Rice and Beans

Our Meals and Nutrition plan

We work on a 5-Day Menu Planning for each week. 

We provide high quality breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner to our children.

 Get familiar with the 5 food groups we strongly follow:

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